What is the bedroom except the bed and the wardrobe? Ask a man and he will probably nod his head and give up. If you are a lady but know you exactly what’s missing… Her make up table of course! You can see what we specially prepared for our dear ladies
We start of course with a piece of history that we have learned: the original name of this lady’s furniture was Poudreuse (fr., also dressing table). This Marked a in the 17th century. Arisen century dressing table for toilet articles, which had its heyday in the course of the 18th century, was further developed and was often very cleverly designed. Later, the mirror was an indivisible element, which could be folded up and put up in the middle of the cover plate. Often, these tables with numerous drawers and store were equipped. They were sometimes combined with desk or reading table. In the course of the 19th century, they came with three-piece, mounted on the top level in use. This kind of tables have been preserved to modern times.Today, thousands of models differ from a dressing table. You can z.B for a classical make-up with strict forms choose table or select a more modern and creative
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