I’ve been always a classic Aesthete. I had the great misfortune to attend a college with color combination of blue and orange. It was disgusting enough to see this combination on the uniforms of the Anfeurer. But the big shock came when someone pointed out the entire halls in these shades!Some combinations seem impossible to be bad. So the pairing of blue and orange. Exactly so bad looks mostly pink me out… Green or pink with blue. Or light pink with some other shade. Thereby, these pairs can work wonderfully. As you’ll see in the images below it depends less on the colors, but the nuances for which one chooses.
Sorga Blau and orange could work wonderfully together, if you use them correctly. It turns out that there are no bad color combinations. There are only those that have been carried out incorrectly.
Blue and orange. Yes, I know what I previously wrote a few lines. Here are my hated school colors in their entire stimulus. Or not exactly…The Orange is slightly brown. So if you are brought to the fore this nuances bordering on the secondary color, it works wonderfully.
Note how the designers have removed the floor and part of the walls in Brown and the Chair has a A lot more Orange-friendly background. The Orange and white curtains serve as a bridge between the two shades. So intelligent!
Here, we see a more blue-orange combination that works super great. Here’s the secret: the blue is Very much brittle and plays a minor role compared to the orange color. For a color combination works well, you must Very much often play with the intensity of the colours.
I think that also the geography plays an important role in these matters. In some climates, you need shades, Which one fit to really bright sunlight.
If you had told me some time ago that you To want to decorate your room in Orange and gray, then I would have told you that you are crazy. But here is still a proof that all supposedly non-committal colors can work together in fact wonderfully. In this case, it is especially helpful that the wallpaper and carpet with white are draped. They serve as a bridge between the two.
Purple and green almost seems like a joke. But as Monet in the Lili pad has already demonstrated paintings, the two shades can be combined wonderfully.
The attraction of the unexpected colour combinations is to a large extent just that, that surprise you are. Imagine the delight and the machination, Which one you feel in such a room like this one!
I thought pink and blue used also a cruel bad combination. It has added often they baby rooms, if the parents wanted to know the sex of the babies in advance. A sublime pastel color is blue and pink is also Very much juicy in this form. This is the secret here, too. Pastel colors work well together and this is changed little by the shading.
Blue tends Very much to the grey in this example. This also applies to Rosa. Grey and pink looked good together. These were particularly popular in the 50s. What do we learn from this example: If two opposite colors will provide you with the same base, you are can work wonderfully together.
Are you not ready for pink and blue? How would it be with blue and magenta? I don’t know what’s more for the owner spricht-the color combination or the shoes with the Leopard pattern.
Coral – blue seems also to be an implausible combination. But let us remember that this color combination in the nature works great, such as in the depths of the Lake. So, they have every chance that it works well also for you.
This beautiful pink green room works wonderfully because they brought all kinds of pink in usage. In addition, they appear less bright than on large surfaces within the Strip.
I showed just several examples, Which one illustrate clearly that a color combination works well if the shading of the other is dedicated at. But there are also exceptions, and so is this brave couple here. Because who needs an alarm clock in the room like this?
Let’s forget about the sales value of the apartment. Sometimes, you must only do things because they make a fun. This shower enclosure will wake you up, even before the water runs.
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