Basin for the whole family

One important thing we have to keep in mind when refurbished the housing in which there will be children, is also preparing for them the common spaces. Not enough to buy nice furniture and the size for the bedroom, they also have to use the bathroom and the living areas.

Basin for the whole family

So I loved this signature Basin Vitra Family is called Basin, a double sink in two heights, with a basin for the elders of the house and another for children. Probably be thinking that the idea is good, but that is only useful for a short time because children grow quickly, but actually in the future we can look for other utilities.
Obviously when children grow can opt for reform and change bathroom sink by a model adapted to the new needs. But while we do not reform, if we stay with this, we use the basin at a lower height for other purposes as we see in the image on these lines.

To me the idea seems excellent and I’m sure children will like very much to have her as a sink for washing hands or brushing teeth independently, while their parents. There is also the option of the steps to board the family toilet, but providing enough space for all of this basin is even better.

Basin for the whole family

Basin for the whole family

Basin for the whole family  Basin for the whole family

Basin for the whole family

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