How to choose the wallpaper that best adapts to any environment, to decorate the house with balance and harmony without sacrificing originality. With a small gallery of images for inspiration.
Imagination and creativity on your walls
If you choose the color to whitewash the walls of the house is not an easy task, choosing the right wallpaper is even more difficult, because in addition to the color you have to take into account the textures and fantasy. Difficult, yes, but also much more exciting as the creative possibilities are virtually endless.
Colors, prints, patterns and geometries characterize the current offer of wallpapers, so it is good to stop and think for a moment to identify the best choice for any environment. The wallpaper , in fact, can zoom in and out visually environments, remove or give depth, to give a dramatic look, intense or simple and lightweight.
For each room its own wallpaper
The first step to take when you are struggling with choosing the right card is fit to the type of activity that takes place in the reference room. The living room , for example, is the room dedicated to socializing and entertainment, then the wallpaper choice should be cheerful, colorful and richly decorated with textures and patterns.
The bedroom however, room dedicated to relaxation and rest, asks fantasies and graphics and relaxing “refreshing”, with soft colors and never too bright and switched on. In this case, we recommend floral prints or that somehow recall, the colors or shapes, nature, plants, desert sands, skies and seas are always welcome in the bedroom.
In the kitchen instead we can safely return to something stronger in terms of color and decoration. In this environment, the heart of the home, the family gathers to prepare food and eat, the day begins and ends here, here you can unleash the imagination.
Finally, even the office can be decorated with beautiful upholstery, but it is a serious environment and dedicated to the work and concentration, are to be excluded too floral prints and the colors are too bright and it is better to opt instead for something simple and elegant.
A wall, first of all
In any event, and regardless of the environment of the home that you want to decorate with wallpaper, a good solution is to decorate one wall with wallpaper and leave the other white, and in this way the effect will be less intrusive and you will always have the opportunity to go to later decorate the other walls.
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