Decorating with rugs for summer

The summer rugs not only a good choice for our house to “view” in a cool during the hot season but also in recent years have been imposed as a decorative trend thanks to the large number of fabrics, patterns, designs or colors that can be found on the market so we can give you now some ideas or proposals which will be decorated with carpets for the summer.

Decorating with rugs for summer

Summer is a most propitious time to vary slightly the decor of our home, and if you tend to have carpets in winter for protection from the cold, in summer they can also be a good solution to avoid the heat a little, because although not it seems we can avoid stepping on the soil too hot, as well as provide added style to a type of decoration that is usually much lighter.

Fabrics like cotton, bamboo, hemp, sisal or cellulose are most appropriate at the time to buy a rug that is for summer and not only because they are more “fresh” but also because it is much easier the cleaning (for it is sufficient to pass the vacuum two or three times a week, depending on how many live at home and you use it to the carpet).
On the other hand we have to say that the decoration with summer rugs can even be trend and currently we have to take into account the “fever” that occurs now in decorating the living room or the bedroom in colors that are soft or pastels.The vast majority of summer rugs are exactly this kind of colors so it will definitely be a success on that bet on them and actually have them available and decor store we all know as Ikea and Zara Home.

Besides the light colored carpets are the best choice for summer; between carpet trends summer 2013, stands out above which we can find models with bright colors like fuchsia and also with prints graphics that create a very modern style both for the living room (if you choose white furniture, highlighted much more) to the bedroom (youth).

On the other hand are going to be fashionable rugs that have ” patchwork “and clear tones. This for example is made ​​of bovine skin and although you can serve as carpet all year if you like for the summer perhaps is better than eg buy some hemp or cotton.

Precisely between cotton models , we currently find rugs like this in light shades ( white ) and also include drawing (very slight) in leaves or flowers. Rugs like this are ideal for double rooms.

Finally a model, combined in their colors also have the wisdom to form the green in the center (color trend this year) and also with stamped “paisley” that is also fashionable.

Decorating with rugs for summer

Decorating with rugs for summer

Decorating with rugs for summer

Decorating with rugs for summer

Decorating with rugs for summer

Decorating with rugs for summer

Decorating with rugs for summer

Decorating with rugs for summer

Decorating with rugs for summer

Decorating with rugs for summer

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