The vinyls are kind of stickers with different designs, ideal to decorate and renovate rooms to our liking.
Decorating with vinyl
Vinyls are different cuts of this material, made according to the design of your choice or premodelados styles that can be applied to almost any surface. With vinyl can completely remodel an environment, changing the overall appearance or taking small unique touches that change style of any space.
Ideas for decorating with vinyl
It is thin vinyl sheets that are placed on the surface (walls, ceilings, floor, columns, etc..) And, when pressed or rubbed, stick to the base surface, being applied as a stamp. Because they are made in a special apparatus, allow cutting of any design.
In setting and design studios can agree to make us a plate with the desired picture or style, including images, text, figures and more. Since it is made in one color per plate, if we make a more colorful style, we plan the design to “stamp” plates in succession, one after another, preferably without encimen together.
With vinyl cuts can acclimate walls, covering them entirely or sector, or even placing figures and special details. We can also order a full text to apply to the way we feel appropriate and comfortable, even covering corners, rounded walls, hardwood floors, ceramic and other textured.
With vinyl can decorate objects of all kinds. The only surfaces on which presents any difficulties in its sustainability are those less firm and flat, as the fabrics. However, it may well apply over wallpaper, murals or screens flat fabrics such as canvas or other similar characteristics.
To apply vinyl, we clean the surface, remove the backing paper of the piece, apply, gently rub the back, and remove the transparent transport role. Then, for maintenance, we should avoid touching it or pressing it somehow. We can clean them with soft cloth, do not rub hard.
So with the single application of a vinyl sheet we decorate furniture and environments automatically. Some examples of the options that allow us to find them vinyls in the picture attached to this note.
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