It’s just a passage, but the passage does not have to be a “boring area” decoratively speaking. Not always the halls are perfect for decorating, but it’s right there where we must use all our decorative tricks to get that entry, or the passage from one area of the house to another, would be in harmony with the environment of the rest of our home.
The corridors are often narrow and dark (of course there are exceptions with wide aisles and windows and if you have one of those congratulations!) Therefore must seek a sense of openness and clarity. For a corridor can be decorated, there are two key principles: the first that the lighting is essential, the second is that we should not “narrow it” more with excessive objects to prevent the passage.
The type of lighting depends on the type of hall. There may be halogen focus toward the ceiling, if they want to appear to be higher and add some indirect light. Are also good ceiling lights focused and again a wall light bulb or indirectly illuminating the corridor provided that not too close and do diminish further.
Barring natural light, or hallway is wide, we choose light colors to help us multiply the space. They are also very effective bright colors that fit perfectly in the latest styles, such as industrial and minimalist.
In short, try to eliminate visual barriers, using carpets as decorative strategy: to expand horizontally, one to lengthen carpet, two to shorten if excessively long hallway.
If you put furniture , that have a use, otherwise why introduce an element that takes up space and has no functionality? Also if you can, eliminates some doors or moldings ponles visually or light colors, and your hall will be functional and well decorated.
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