This guide ‘aimed at all those people who enjoy DIY and have an open space whether or garden dirt they want to achieve a beautiful bench masonry or wood.Let’s get right without wasting any more time to realize our beautiful bench in masonry.
We begin to dig a deep hole about twenty centimeters long and if we go with the tavelloni 50 inches but if we opt for wooden slats 1.50 cm and do it with cement and stones quite a screed for the foundations.
Let dry the screed for a day and a night.
Once dry we prepare in our bucket with the drill to whisk our cement mortar, should not be too spring otherwise affect the work must be compact and homogeneous.
Bathe as usual bricks.
With the meter divide the screed, which we created in three parts equidistant, if you are ‘opted for the strip, otherwise we mark towards the end of the screed only two points.
Create a layer of mortar on the slab where it should create the first wall of support off the bench a little less than the width of the wall and begin to raise it.
Take the solid brick we put the mortar below and to the side where must ‘lean the other brick and put it in laying patting with the bribe, the same will’ brick and the second with the third. Once the first row of the wall and ‘terminal has been installed you’ll fix’ above the level and you will see ‘if’ level so if ‘it was with the help of the stack by tapping it will put’ level.
Once in laying the first row you can ‘start in the same way the second row but this time the bricks will sguardati 180 degrees so as to be more’ stable throughout.
It keeps up ’till’ the whole height of the first wall is not ‘standing.
The same work will ‘for the second and possibly the third wall.
Once erected the wall according to the level will go ‘mass between the two walls to see if they are the same height so if’ it were not it will provide ‘to equagliarli with the addition of a bit’ of cement mortar.
Once the walls are erected bagnerammo the tavelloni and with the help of marlta cementitious appore on the walls and on the tavellone will provide ‘to attach themselves to the walls.
Finally there is ‘the realization of the back, this is not’ nothing but a wall that part of earth that rests with the three retaining walls for the session itself.
After finishing the session will go ‘plastered and then covered with a marble top or equivalent material.
If you opt for the wooden slats of the pieces will be needed, about 12, to be planted between the strips and the walls themselves.
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