Creating our own garden in a corner of the garden achieve vegetables and spices totally fresh, healthy and free of pesticides.
Benefits of having a garden at home
To build a garden no need to be an expert, just have to be willing to feel the taste of freshly cut vegetables. It is also a great activity to share with children of the family and also help the household economy.
Another advantage is that you can have all the vegetables that you like very close and you can even grow some that are hard to get.
How to make a garden
The tools we need are very common and are found in most homes: hoe, hoe (hoe smaller), rake and hose. Before you begin, you should read these tips to achieve a garden that is the envy of all your neighbors.
– Think about what you want to plant species, keeping in mind the taste of each of the family members.
– Consider the size of the plants as they grow, so that there is some very large which could clog the smaller ones.
– Do not do the garden in an area close to large trees , As it will consume too much shade and much of the soil’s nutrients, including water and oxygen.
– Choose rich soil with good drainage. It is also desirable to have sunlight most of the day (at least 6 hours).
How to prepare the ground for the garden
Now, the first thing to do is remove all the stones and weeds that are in the land where we want to make our garden. Then mark the beds with stakes and wires. It should be made between each bed a strip about 30 cm wide to walk among them without damaging the plants from the garden.
If you have animals, you must place fences of wood or iron, high enough so that they do not enter, not only because it can break or eat the plants, but also because it may be contaminated with the urine or stool.
What to grow in the garden and as do
The good thing also have a garden at home is the possibility of combining crops, for each combat pests that can affect the garden.
It is very useful for this purpose skirting vegetables with herbs such as rosemary, lavender, thyme, basil, oregano and plants with flowers . Observe the schedule of planting each plant, is important so that they can fully develop.
Seeding can be given through mastics (smallish seeds), or through direct seeding (slightly larger seeds), and twice a year, in the spring-summer time or autumn-winter.
When making direct seeding, remember to free one or two plots or beds, and then transplant the plants you have sown in the nursery .
If any of the selected crops are climbing, you need a guide or some wires stick for them to grow properly.
When purchasing seeds are certified checks whether, are usually a little more expensive but ensures a good harvest.
To produce a good garden vegetables We must make a correct association of plants, organic fertilizers have and rotate products. Is also desirable that you are near a water source, whether a pump, tap, etc..
Caring for the garden
After conducting our sowing, we continue working on our garden controlling the following aspects.
– The soil should be kept clean of weeds and damp.
– Zoom a little soil to the base of the plants.
– If there are many plants in one place, eliminating the weakest to allow better development of the other.
– Controlling pests.
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