Ideas to sort the whole house

At home, small occupy much. We propose five very practical furniture to save the hardest and teach you how to organize inside to keep everything well organized, hand-in minimum space.

Ideas to sort the whole house

A library with a work area
The papers tend to accumulate and expand throughout the house. To organize them, it is best that you gather in a single unit and you group in boxes, filing or classifiers. If you are ordered are easier to locate. More hand. Invoices, stationery, receipts for classifying … Leave desktop area you still have issues pending and objects you use more often. Set one day a month (early or late) for archiving.

Put name. A boxes, filing cabinets and carpesanos. Ideally you to separate the papers by topic: household bills, school records, medical … and destinies one previously identified carpesano each. It is practical and decorative . With key. The closet area is ideal for storing important documents, such as contracts. If it’s locked, the better. It is also a good place to store old photos in boxes marked with dates.

Ideas to sort the whole house

A well organized pantry
Before ordering it, strip the objects do not use or are in poor condition. Group the pieces by type (plates, glasses, cups) and put what you use the most at hand. Take the bottom of the shelves with hooks for mugs. For daily use. Ten daily service on the shelves to hand height (about 100 cm from the ground). Groups cutlery, cups and napkins in baskets to make them more portable. If you are four house, have only four services. Stack pieces. Save the dishes inside each other by size, so you can take less. The same with the glasses. Stack as much eight plates and glasses in pairs. Put stemware: the base occupies less than the mouth.

The voluminous. Save it in the most inaccessible shelves: up or down from the cupboard. The trays, standing up less. Put the dishes in boxes or party within the larger fonts.

The furniture of the hall
You go home and leave the keys. Sales, and you take your gloves …. So it is very practical to have a cabinet to store all those little things we need to have on hand. And also use it as the “mixed bag” of the house (glasses, candles , wires, bulbs …). Yes, well organized. Seize the doors. Leverages into a board doors to the keys. Put them always in the same hook to find them quickly. If you have many, Put them labels. Interior of drawers. Compartmentalization is the best way to keep them organized. Use dividers or boxes of different sizes, depending on what you keep in each (books, candles, cards …).

Boxes and baskets.’ll Help you make the furniture more thoroughly and from the smallest group (batteries, bulbs …) to the most voluminous (gloves, scarves). For which use more often baskets are more comfortable capless.

Ideas to sort the whole house

The day and tidy pantry
A well-organized pantry prevents waste food because it has expired or you are missing an essential ingredient. Separate food groups, put forward the expiring before and review it before you buy. For groups. Organize food groups. For example, place the preserves on the shelf above, essential foods (flour, rice, pasta) in the middle and breakfast (muffins, cookies, coffee …) below.

In boats. Glass If they allow the content of food. Choose containers that close tightly and keep in good content. Consume always first packages that are already open. Quantities. Prioritize basic foods such as rice, pasta or vegetables, when reserves. They usually have a distant expiration date. Store in the lower area with the heaviest, such as bottles.

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