The vent on the roof is an element that allows air and ventilate the roof, preventing the formation of mold and putrefaction of wood.
A vent is a vain which reduces the temperature and humidity. The roof vent used to ventilate and ventilate the roof, allowing us to save on summer cooling and prevent fungus and putrefaction of wood .
The vent system is the circulation of air entering the soffit (underside of eaves) and passes through a baffle or conduit, up to the attic, where it exits the roof ventilator.
To install the vents need some tools :
Reciprocating Saw
Drill with bits
Roofing Knife
Roof Vents
Soffit vents
Cement Ceiling
Each respirator must correspond with soffit ceiling ventilator. To install soffit, make a mark with hole in the place where will be built the soffit, from inside the attic.
From the outside, cut the soffit openings using a jig saw. We must let free 10cm at the corners to hold the deck soffit. Vent is installed out-side and secured with stainless steel screws or galvanized wood.
To install roof vent outlet, vent mark the center with a nail and from there, we draw the circle that corresponds to the opening thereof. On the outside, remove the vent tiles cutting edge and use a saw to it. Cement placed at the edge of the base of the vent and focused on the hole. Then nailed vent edges and cover the edges and nails with cement. Tiles are placed contour again.
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