One way to renew and give many feelings to an environment as intimate as the room. Where should feel very comfortable. In turn, if you renovate it will always be easier and cheaper to modify the colors of the walls, furniture or things around, to go into work and break walls. Today’s proposal is to paint one wall of the room with vertical stripes. They create a sense of height, raising roofs visually. Since as to achieve this effect, the lines must be perfectly parallel.
The tips to achieve this decoration with paint are: first paint the entire wall of the base color who have chosen layer. As a suggestion, it should always be white or ecru. When dry, measure the front and find the center point. To perform divisions therefrom so that the corners are complete and strips do not remain in half.
One way to achieve that perfect line remains vertical, is to use a wire attached to the ceiling and at the other end put a weight to fall vertically accurately, from there, like the stripes with a pencil, tape sticking Painter along each line (without leaving wrinkles) and paint indoors.
It is important to wait until the paint’s dried completely before removing the tape. And the room is ready to follow decorating and renewing own taste and creativity. Having a striped wall is one of the latest trends in decoration. They generally wear black and white stripes, but we have also seen the combination of white and blue stripes.
If you like the effect produced streaks in your house and can not find any wallpaper you play it, you can try it yourself. If you love DIY and accounts with the necessary materials will be very easy not to get it.
The first thing you have to be clear about the colors you want to use. Make sure you blend together and with the rest of the furniture in the room so you do not take disappointment once the job. Although it is recommended that the wall is smooth and has no gotelé coating, you can perform well on these surfaces, auqneu the result will be the same.
Step by step
– The first thing to consider is the color of “background” or base you want to put. Choose a washable matt paint for it. Let it dry long enough.
– Place masking tape to length between each strip. If you have applied at the base washable matte paint will not have problems when removing the tape no longer held any chipping.
– It is advisable to put all the tapes to the extent set so you can paint all the stripes once. Check the distance between them at various points to make sure there are no deviations. This point is very important because if vary even a few millimeters wide from floor to ceiling will visually horrible.
– Paint all stripes meticulously chosen second color. Maybe you’ve thought of using more than one color … This is the time!
– Once the paint is dry, carefully take off the masking tape and enjoy your work.
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