Power Emotions in Your Decor

Emotional intelligence is increasingly a way of understanding life, business, relationships … and decoration.  The colors, the light, the space clean and full of good energy affect our emotional state and our harmony for better or for worse.  Here, briefly, how.

Power Emotions in Your Decor

Color therapy is known since antiquity.Each color emits a vibration that affects us unconsciously.Therefore it is very common that we recommend relaxing colors like mint, turquoise or light blue in the bedroom . strong colors like orange or fuchsia in kitchens or dining rooms, or avoid colors that create tension in the meeting points of a home.

Power Emotions in Your Decor

Candles soothe us, therefore, to relax a recommended light candles environment. as to enjoy a quiet meal or soften tensions between diners, something we should consider in family meals or dinners not just Christmas. Its color also influences and pink and orange recommended in bathrooms.

Power Emotions in Your Decor

The aroma is one of our senses with more memory.Someone who does not remember anything about the decor of your home, most likely, remember to smell good or bad. Find a scent that reflects the personality of your home and always keep adequate ventilation.

Power Emotions in Your Decor

Hygiene is essential. Y el orden. And the order. A home messy or dusty environment affects us on an unconscious level reflecting the chaos outside inside, making us feel uneasy seemingly “no reason.” Ordena, ventila y haz limpiezas periódicas. Sort, ventilation and make periodic cleaning.

Power Emotions in Your Decor

Oriental therapies such as Feng Shui takes centuries combining this knowledge which gradually deepen to enhance our positive moods through decoration.

Power Emotions in Your Decor

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