Some Advices for Cleaning Home

Cleaning is the easiest way to take care of our home and family health. Both basic hygiene, such as care to detail and organization in each of the spaces are tasks that must not be neglected because they represent the image of the house where we live. However, due to the multiple daily tasks and job duties, it is becoming less time you can devote to household cleaning. This has generated, on the one hand, the time to market of new products that are more effective, practical and “quick action” and, second, we should resort to some tricks to facilitate this task.

Some Advices for Cleaning Home

In this regard, there are some secrets that can help us to achieve better and faster cleaning and do not require anything that we do not have at home. You only need to know what to use and how to do so that what seems impossible into something simple and easy to clean. For all that, this time we present a series of simple tips to help you care for and clean your home, from the areas that require more attention, such as the kitchen and bathroom, to make hygiene as other surfaces such as walls, mirrors, glass, etc. or how to perform a more effective sweep.

Glasses and mirrors bright
For many people cleaning windows is a task almost impossible or at least very difficult, there are always marks, streaks and fingerprints. However, for this task there are many techniques and suggestions from various commercial products with alcohol until most unusual home recipes. Homemade formulas found between the mixture of water and a little vinegar, which degreasing and polishes. Also equally putting, alcohol, white vinegar, ammonia and water, is obtained a mixture of rapid evaporation leaves much brightness.

To clean the blinds
Periodic cleaning of blinds prevents the accumulation of dust between the cracks, which is difficult to remove. This will avoid having a duster every week. If the blinds are dotted, clean with a cloth dampened with soapy water and dry. If the dirt is embedded, add water a few drops of ammonia and rub with brush. To clean shutters with adjustable louvers, wet cloth glove with detergent and water passes through each of the shutter blades. Change the water when necessary.

Toilets clean
For more frequently clean the toilet, the water level usually leaves a mark that eventually seems indelible. However, there is a solution that will leave your toilet spotless, alcohol rubs the marked area and then moves a sponge dipped in dish detergent. For tubs and other health workers, the best way is to leave them well clean using hot vinegar.

Sweep easily
To achieve a more effective sweep any floor let free of any lint or dust speck, the solution is to wrap the broom in a nylon stocking, which will ensure that you pick up what is not seen, because the nylon has the property of statically loaded and you can pick up every little particle that is on the ground.

Bright Faucets
Keys, especially in areas where the water is very hard, tend to be whitish or dull spots. They shine used for flour. The sprinkle with a little flour, then spread it rubs cocks with a cotton cloth. Another way is to clean the key with a cotton swab moistened with rubbing alcohol.

Tile impeccable
Ammonia dissolved in a little water and clean the tiles with newsprint dampened mixture. Instead of using ammonia, you can also use vinegar. If they are very dirty, try making a paste with baking soda and bleach and then rubbed with a brush and rinse well.

How to clean the switches
For frequent use, electrical switches get dirty easily and generate an unsightly image and, in the worst case, to the touch. For cleaning them is a simple trick that only requires a few simple steps
Take a dry cloth and moisten with alcohol. Pass it firmly on the switch and you will notice almost instantly as the dirt begins to disappear.
It is important that you remove excess alcohol on the cloth before starting to clean because, remember, it can be dangerous out liquids in electrical wiring of the house or the place where you are located.

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