The fresh flowers can give the final touch to the decor of your home. They serve to color spaces, plus a touch of fragrance and distincción. It is advisable to choose flowers and station area. For example, this time of year in Europe there are many tulips, daffodils, ranunculus, anemones and hyacinths. You can also use orchids. Avoid tropical plants such as Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia), amber cane, protea or heliconias (if you live in America, the rule is the other way around). Also interesting is careful not to mix too many varieties – a big bunch of wild flowers all of a class can be more attractive than a bouquet bought at a floristry is intended to include several varieties and flower colors. See also flower arrangements .
How to cut the stems for a flower arrangement: cut about 2.5 cm of the stem (the woody stem, like roses, should be cut diagonally to maximize the open surface water. Changing the water daily and cut back each time that they change the water.’ll make them last longer.
Arrange bouquets: with a little skill, the idea is to put in hand in a spiral, so that each new stem is inclined at an angle compared to the previous. It is the way of forming a beautiful ‘dome’. If you are not able to do it, just to support them on a surface and pro cut all the same length, then gather them and put them in a vase. They should be just fine.
Where to put the flowers: they often underestimate the value of the container, when in fact it is as important or more than flowers. You need a basic game: cylindrical vase with straight walls, about 80 x 15cm, for long-stemmed plants such as lilies, amaryllis or gladilos, a square pot, which looks great on coffee tables for pretty spring flowers trimmed so that they project the right over the edge, a round bowl, which can be filled with a few stems flexible as tulips, orchids or calla lilies (put the stem at 2.5 cm water and swirl the flower heads around the inside of the glass to achieve a greater impact with less), a 10cm vase neck and wider at the bottom, ideal for any hand bouquet gifting us (do not cut strip that ties the bouquet until it is placed in the vase).
Keep the vase water clean: there is a little trick is to use sterilizing tablets. Put a quarter of a pill in a vase of normal size to keep the water clean and free of bacteria. This helps the plants last longer and not harmful at all. Heat causes bloom earlier and therefore wilt before, so you agree put them in a cool place away from radiators, so they last longer. Some floresterías sell a packet to put in the water and prolong the life of flowers. If not your case, you can add a teaspoon of sugar.
Chic and cheap: a good idea for a dinner, is to use many small individual pots (each with a single stem inside) and place them huddled in the center of the table. You can also use glasses, small jars, candle holders, milk bottles, glass jars, etc.. Instead of throwing them away, they can be recycled for use as vases.
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